
The latest entry-level offering that provides all-in-one functionality is called Salesforce Starter. It seems like a good first step for a small business, but especially for small businesses that want to get large.


Oracle Advances

Last week's announcements from Oracle mark a revolution in hardware unseen since the standardization of the PC, making hardware sexy again.

Modernizing customer relationship strategies for some companies means refining their CRM platforms to encourage customer loyalty. Today, the customer experience journey can no longer fully succeed without bringing social media channels into the mix.

One AI CEO Amit Ben said, "It's like having an additional 1,000 relentless, diligent employees on your team, analyzing every customer interaction 24/7, at a fraction of the cost."

The Trusted AI Layer that Salesforce is aggressively building and deploying is significantly different from the AI and large learning model (LLM) approach that much of the industry relies on today.


Trusted Gen AI Is Wide of the Mark

Salesforce's new 'Trusted' AI Cloud may aim for security and extensibility, but real value lies in the pursuit of precision in modern CRM.

Legacy CRM systems may obstruct the path to business growth and enriched customer experiences. Modern CRM platforms, with a focus on customer retention and prospect conversion, are no longer optional to achieve business success.

Adopting tech-based software platforms is crucial for solving supply chain issues. Yet, achieving transparency remains a challenge, especially for non-tech-savvy merchants and shippers.

Let's look at how the industry is positioning Tableau and products like it, usually focusing on the idea of data. It baffles me why the industry is so hung up on data, and the conference was a prime example.

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