
Rob Enderle discusses the differences between tactical and strategic management. Both can be successful but require quite different approaches.

My 30-day experience with the new Orbi RBE973 Mesh Router, the three-pack from the 970 series, validates the reasons that make Wi-Fi 7 so exciting and how it could completely transform how we connect and interact.

Co-developed with General Motors, Honda said the CR-V e:FCEV’s new fuel cell system, made in Michigan, offers improved durability, higher efficiency, and lower cost compared to Honda’s previous-generation fuel cell system.

OpenAI’s Sora, coupled with ElevenLabs’ audio, puts us within a few years of production-quality video content.

Vision Pro's spatial computing functionality heralds a new era in computing, where the boundaries between the virtual and real blur and the digital realm become an intrinsic part of our everyday lives. As this technology evolves and proliferates, it will impact industries ranging from education to h...

Instead of trying to force users to embrace a new browser -- and thus expand the enterprise attack surface -- Menlo's add-on tools protect data and users with end-to-end visibility and dynamic policy enforcement directly inside browser sessions to block zero-hour phishing, malware, and ransomware at...


Are Deepfakes Overblown?

With properly validated and ensured controls and being alert to the potential for a well-crafted fraud attempt, we should be able to weather the deepfake storm. However, if we are compromised or not thinking defensively, we could be vulnerable to fraud that could change our lives, and not for the be...

Romantics searching for virtual love should approach amorous AI chatbots with caution, according to a new report by researchers at Mozilla's "Privacy Not Included" buyer's guide.

One-time app purchases in the Apple App Store, while less common today, are gaining traction with developers again, thanks to the Vision Pro AR/VR device.

What should be the minimum legal age to access social media platforms?
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