
OK, don't get excited, the death of PCs and smartphones won't happen tomorrow. Nor did Qualcomm overtly declare their demise at the company's annual Snapdragon Tech Summit last week. However, it did announce a level of performance that will eventually make current smartphone and PC designs obsolete.

Microsoft last week launched its new Surface line, and elements of it better target Apple's weaknesses than any prior effort. Let's talk about the new Surface PC product that best showcases how Microsoft can compete with Apple. We'll close with the product of the week, the Surface Duo 2, which has ...

Esports has grown into a major industry that shows no signs of slowing momentum. Indeed, the esports ecosystem is on pace this year to surpass $1 billion in revenue for the first time. We spoke with several esports aficionados to hear what they had to say about the evolution of esports, what's drivi...

The Linux Foundation, Amazon, and more than 20 other gaming companies hope to make open-source game playing more of a win-win technology for both developers and players.

The advantage of using a VR rig without a tether is huge because in a complex movement-oriented game you tend to get tangled in the tether. Let's talk about the Oculus Quest 2 this week and the announcement that this class of products is about to embrace 5G for its next generation. We'll close with ...

Windows 11 shows a massive change in focus from earlier significant releases, which pretty much assures that the Microsoft's mistakes of the past won't be repeated, at least not under the current leadership. It also suggests a path to the next version of Windows -- which for now we'll call Windows 1...

Microsoft has unveiled Windows 11 as a redesigned computing platform that feels familiar but has numerous changed components. It offers new ways for users to create, learn, play, and connect with others globally. Feeling familiar may take some adjusting, however. Windows 11 is built around a simplif...

Nvidia is in the process of working through regulatory approvals to buy Arm from SoftBank -- a technology holding company with mixed success husbanding its acquisitions. Let's explore this acquisition, the most significant regulatory hurdles the effort needs to overcome, and what might result once t...

For multichannel video programming distributors to stay competitive, they need to offer multichannel video programming solutions that are not only innovative but user friendly. Smart TV manufacturers need to reduce time to market and provide flexible services. Each can bridge the gap by leveraging R...

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