
The Trend Micro report cited, as an example, the #EyeMakeup hashtag on Instagram, which has nearly 10 million posts, and #EyeChallenge on TikTok, with more than two billion views, exposing iris patterns good enough to pass iris scanners.

Officials charged Joseph Sullivan with working to hide the data breach from U.S. regulators and the Federal Trade Commission, adding his actions attempted to prevent the hackers from being caught.

Data privacy laws are becoming a major focus worldwide as businesses hasten to meet new compliance obligations. Many organizations involved with international commerce must alter their procedures to comply with new legislation.

Keeping safe in cyberspace is increasingly difficult as crooks try to exploit uninformed users every chance they get. Add to that, virus and malware threats are never-ending. Here are five things in your control to help keep your digital activity safe.

Be suspicious at the first sign of your phone behaving oddly. Both the Android and iOS smartphone platforms present the same set of common symptoms to indicate malware may be at play inside your device.

Digital devices and home networks of corporate executives, board members and high-value employees with access to financial, confidential and proprietary information are ripe targets for malicious actors, according to a study released Tuesday by a cybersecurity services firm. The connected home is a ...

The social media platform for professionals was in the crosshairs of 52 percent of all phishing scams globally in the first quarter of 2022. This is the first time that hackers leveraged LinkedIn more often than any tech giant brand name like Apple, Google, and Microsoft.

Research by a cybersecurity services provider reveals how widespread the risks are to executives and the organizations they ramrod from data brokers collecting sensitive data about them. "We see corporate executives targeted all the time in their personal lives," BlackCloak Founder and CEO Chris Pie...

The massive takedown of RaidForums might have little real impact against the large volume of hackers operating worldwide, since many of Raid's members could flock to alternative platforms.

What should be the minimum legal age to access social media platforms?
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