
Tapping into natural language understanding technology as part of an overall approach to managing customer relations improves the experience that businesses provide to their customers. Brands already implement a variety of solutions to gain data and insights from customer interactions. Still, many c...

Google's new service aimed at beefing up the search capabilities of retailers' websites may make those sellers more competitive with Amazon. Google Cloud Retail Search hopes to address the staggering problem of "search abandonment," which costs retailers more than $300 billion a year in the U.S. alo...

Anyone with a stake in keeping ahead of cybersecurity assaults and enterprise network intrusions through API vulnerabilities can now tap into expert advisories and security reports. API security company Salt Security last week launched Salt Labs, a now-public forum for publishing research on API vul...

One of the strains on the logistics industry is increased consumer demand for speedy delivery -- and this requirement is making it even more important to consider the environmental impacts of faster fulfillment. We spoke with experts in the field to find out what's happening to make logistics more s...

By cutting out the middleman, brands can earn a higher margin and gain direct access to consumers and their data. For these reasons, leading brands such as Nike are aggressively making the shift to DTC, and other large retailers are following suit. However, many forget to take into account three imp...

The list is almost endless for the use of AI in retail. It can be anywhere, from classification issues like recommendations to search and merchandising personalization.

A configuration error in the systems of content delivery provider Fastly knocked out numerous large websites and apps around the globe Tuesday. The event served up a reminder of how distributed networks play a critical role in the internet today -- and how important it is to make sure that the softw...

E-commerce merchants are literally at the mercy of the digital checkout systems tied to their web stores. For retailers, what happens on the other side of the "pay" button is critical to avoiding denied approvals. Online payment service provider Credorax peeled back the curtain for the E-Commerce Ti...

IT has not been simply about data processing for a long time. Recent data breaches show the increasing importance of things like encryption, automated database management, and taking security measures to safeguard vital data. All of that is necessary overhead that must be supported by CPU cycles. Th...

What should be the minimum legal age to access social media platforms?
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