
The U.S. government's antitrust lawsuit against Google has produced anxiety about whether Apple will continue to rake in anywhere from $15 billion to $20 billion a year for making Google's search engine the default choice on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Justice is rep...

E-commerce merchants are bracing for escalating threats posed by customer dishonesty and insider misconduct. This trend is exacerbated by the economic downturn, which has tightened cybersecurity budgets, making the marketplace more vulnerable to attacks, including those from politically motivated, h...

The use of generative AI technology has moved beyond the curiosity phase for retailers and become the foundation for software business applications that enable enterprises to conduct business better and more quickly.

Copilot technology was still in its infancy only eight months ago. Last week, it went to general availability at top enterprises, and now 70% of users indicate they don’t want to work without this capability.

Shipping protection and warranty services by Extend offer peace of mind to e-commerce customers and revenue opportunities for online retailers of all sizes.

Sooner or later, small-to-medium-size businesses engaging the e-commerce market and looking to grow must buy into a more workable solution for the demanding customer experience. StoreConnect and Salesforce transform SMB e-commerce by improving customer experience and enabling scalable growth.

DiagnosUs offers a free yet challenging approach to teaching medical diagnosis skills with real patients' X-rays and ultrasound images. Among the app's primary users are medical students, nurses, lab technicians, and physicians.

Small and mid-sized businesses in the e-commerce space have long struggled to compete with the might of retail giants. Now, generative AI is emerging as a cost-effective solution that could level the playing field.

Smart factory initiatives integrating AI and machine learning offer opportunities for novel business models and revenue streams, but implementation challenges persist. Low-code/no-code platforms facilitate IoT integration, accelerating digital transformation and enabling manufacturers to adapt to ma...

Your opinion on the TikTok controversy: ban, regulate, or maintain status quo?
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