
While enhancing CX capabilities brings much-anticipated solutions for marketers and retailers, unchecked generative AI poses a threat to brand reputations, experts caution. Present and future use cases are not only fascinating but can truly help deliver promises to customers, according to Harry Foll...

Legacy CRM systems may obstruct the path to business growth and enriched customer experiences. Modern CRM platforms, with a focus on customer retention and prospect conversion, are no longer optional to achieve business success.

AiBUY has developed an artificial intelligence approach to live online selling that brings shoppable videos to a new level of customer engagement.

Subscription sales models can significantly transform business outcomes by generating steady revenue and enhancing customer satisfaction. Diversifying offerings through access and acquisition models across a variety of products, from consumables to essential services, is a key subscription business ...


Oracle’s Siren Song of Less is More

Oracle has waxed and waned over the years about the benefits accrued using an integrated suite of applications instead of opening up to a slew of best-of-breed apps. They're back now, peddling the idea of a unified suite in marketing.

We spoke with Unitea CEO Ketan Rahangdale about the intricacies and the impact of Web3 on marketing strategies and the role engage-to-earn plays in customer engagement.

Failure to adhere to Amazon's strict policies can lead to serious repercussions such as delayed or frozen payments, loss of product listings, and eligibility to sell on Amazon. Third-party software and outside help are often necessary for staying on top of policy changes.

Calendly Routing is a new solution built to enable CX teams to instantly qualify, route, and schedule meetings with high-value leads and customers from their company's website. The cloud-based platform offers a new layer of the modern digital technology stack.

Recent shifts in consumer behavior will significantly impact brand sales this year and beyond. Brand marketers need to refocus efforts on planet sustainability; otherwise, they risk losing their consumer bases to brands that do.

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