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Online shopping returns cost retailers billions of dollars, pump tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and dump billions of pounds of waste into landfills, according to a global plastics cleanup company report.

As businesses and industries continue to evaluate the pros and cons of ChatGPT, generative AI, and other artificial intelligence species, some adopters praise its time-saving and innovative benefits. Others are hesitant to trust the new technology. Either way, where gen AI is headed is an ongoing co...

Like it or not, most organizations find themselves unwillingly dragged into using AI. They might recognize the potential of AI to improve customer and employee experiences, yet they struggle with the challenges of integrating diverse AI technologies.

Because violative merchants make efforts to conceal illegal drug offerings, the level of risk for payment providers is much greater than most realize.

With the heightened shopping from Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, 78% of Americans expect porch pirates to strike more during these delivery periods.

Generative AI is set to revolutionize e-commerce content creation, offering personalized, context-driven content at an unprecedented scale. It enhances creativity, efficiency and opens new avenues for strategic content creation.

Advertising by more than 140 major global brands is supporting the proliferation of unreliable AI-generated news and information websites. The ads appear to be posted on the sites through an automated placement system, most of them through Google, according to the misinformation watchdog group NewsG...

Coors Field, home of the Colorado Rockies MLB team, pioneers frictionless age verification with Amazon One, transforming how customers purchase alcoholic beverages.

Whether Walmart succeeds in winning over its customers could directly impact other retailers to follow suit. Either way, a key factor is collecting their insights.

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